Kev (abr. Kevin)
Irish, Gaelic orgin. Caoimhin.
1. adorable. 2. gentle one
Walkabout (walk-a-bout)
1 (in Oz) - a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time. 2 (chiefly British) - an informal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor e.g. a monarch. 3 a walking trip.
This is my 101st entry (excluding PPPs) and it has to detail me miserable experiences in making my 蕃薯旦. Though this is my first attempt, I have expected far better outcome. I'm too sad to write much, jus let the pictures do the story-telling!
1st step is to boil the sweet potatoes for 15 mintues. I did.

Peel of the skin which I did as well. And I went further to remove the eyes too!
Mesh the sweet potatoes. This is the hard part. The outer layer can be easily meshed, while the core is still hard! No choice, but to throw the core into boiling water to heat it till it's soft again, and mesh it up

Now, my housemate OP suggested me to use the blender. I thought it's a great idea - meshing is tough! So I put in the sweet potatoes, corn flour, sugar, and 4-5 tablespoon of water and mix.. Frag. Become like that. watery. Added in more flour still cannot make it to be a dough. Add in egg white still cannot. (no egg white in orignal recipe) Argh.. heck care already.

Just pan fried it and see what happens. Managed to rolled it into a ball on the pan.

The end product. No look. and yucky. Though OP says still alright. =(
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You know Kev, sometimes, I very "geram" that you can actually cook..
[Duno wat "geram" is? Lookout for Malay translation... :-p]
hi kev, nice attempt! at least the colour is there. Practive always make perfect. The first time i do my 'lo bak kou', is also a failure but the taste is there. First attempt is just the beginning. Keep up your talent! :)
well.. they look pretty fine to me... great attemp, kev!
Try again lah. Mash means mash, don't blender it, ok? Sometimes cannot skip certain steps or take shortcut.
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