Food and walkabout once again!
Be warned.. This is going to be a long post! LOL... *take a deep breadth* here goes!
--Pork meatball--Well, after the previous failure from turning my minced pork into pork pettie, I have finally (somewhat) achieved making pork balls on Thursday night! Yeah! I was so happy to finally see it turn into a ball, and stay that way! LOL... This time round, I added minced pork with chopped onion,Chinese cooking wine,and some corn flour. Not watery, and sticky. Good! So I rolled it into a nice little ball using my palm and spoon! kinda fun I must say. Now comes the part where my gal would hate, which is to put the pork balls onto the oil-ed pan. And the oil starts to jump despite the fact that I have already turn the fire I mean, I'm quite immune to these jumping oil so I'm ok with it. Down side is that the kitchen will be contaminated with flying oil! And the ball tends to be soft, so when I turn it over etc, I gotta be very careful! Else I would squash it! Nonetheless, I'm glad that it's an improvement - at least I got the shape right! As for the taste, I should have put a bit more cooking wine to make it more fragrant and tasty. But overall, I think it's a pass! =)
--Fried noodles--My menu for today's (Friday)dinner was a simple fried noodle. Though sounds simple, but lotsa preparation work! Gotta buy hokkien noodles, dried veg, bean sprouts from the Randwick oriental store, then need to soak the veg, bean sprouts, mushrooms in hot water. Thereafter need to oil the pan, and fry the garlic, chopped onions, veg, bean sprouts, mushrooms,and mince pork together. Meanwhile have to soak the hokkien noodles in hot water, drained it and add into the pan. Continued frying it, and add in the dark and light soy sauces, sambal chilli, pepper... ah.. makes my mouth wet just by describing my procedure! LOL.... But overall quite nice, but I find that the taste could be thicker. Maybe next time I should add more dark sauce. But overall, I love it!
Reminds me of the time when I was in Malaysia when I was younger, and my dad used to buy the Malaysia's hokkien noodles for me as it's my favourite! For the record, Malaysia's hokkien noodles and Singapore fried hokkien noodles is worlds apart ok!! For starters, the fried hokkien noodles in Singapore is white, while that of Malaysia is dark or black! I still miss it, and one will definitely not find it in Singapore. I remember eating it like last year when Limin and I went to KL, and it cost us like RM$5 per packet. I wonder when I will next eat it??
--Tomorrow's walkabout--
Well, the sub-title of this is tomorrow's walkabout, but in actual fact it's later today lor, cos it's already past 12am as I write this post. Anyway, tomorrow Rick (my PhD sup) has invited the lab to go over to his place for a lunch. And, sadly everyone has lobang to go except me! =( All the cars are filled and no space for me. And they kinda arrange everything without asking me as well, and the only person in my lab that kinda remembers me is Charmaine. However, Charmaine's car is full as well! Oh well, guess I'm kinda 'transparent' huh? Can't be help lar, I'm not the talkative type, and if I don't know you well I tend not to talk to you. I can get around comfortably for a day, without talking to anyone. LOL. A loner in his own little world right?? Must remind myself to get out of this world some day. Furthermore, they have their own topics, like the guys are always talking about politics, religions, cricket and rugby etc... I'm not a cricket or rugby fan, and I'm not really interested in them. As for politics and religions, each has their own views, and I think mine is rather radical! So better keep it to myself!Anyway, I shall be independent and not reliant in general. Rick has provided us with a set of instruction to his place. Therefore, I will need to take a bus from my home to the Central Station (~35 minutes), and take a ~45 minutes train ride to Gymea Station, and walk for about 2km to his place. It's a long long route! Travelling + waiting time amounts to about 3 hours, which means that I will need to set off at around 10am to reach by 1pm at his place! Wow! I'm really amazed at how he manage to take the public transport to and fro his home to UNSW. It would total up to about 4 hours of travelling time!!! Oh gosh, I would be so put off by just the thought of having to travel for so long each day! I really have to take my hat off him.
So, this is a map showing the I'm going to take from Gymae Station to his place in Hovea Place. Hopefully I don't get lost! LOL... Once again, Kev is about to embark on his walkabout!
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