Weekend update
What have I done in the past few days?? Hmm.. ok, I have been at home most of the time! However I wish I was slacking away at home in the past couple of days. But, I was not. It's just that I'm doing some in silico work, and I prefer to do it at the comfort of my own home over the lab. Gosh, those lab people must be thinking that I'm damn slacking!! Oh well, I don't really care lar... I mean, what's wrong with working at home lor? =) I had been reading journals and looking through several genes etc, identifying which are transcriptional regulators that are expressed in Mbur. Why? That's because I need to clone it out, and see how it interacts with the DNA element, as well as the basal transcriptional machinery in Mbur... Anyway, this is gog to be one hell of a big project! haiz.. i really hope that this will go well, and not be like that EMSA thingy that I had worked on - no results at all despite 2-3 months of work! Anyway, had designed the relevant primers etc for the cloning/expression work as well... Think m gonna order them tomorrow (Monday)... I just hope Invitrogen will deliver the primers etc early! The last time I ordered from Invitrogen, it takes them like 8-12 days to deliver the primers!
Yesterday our gas heater went 'ko-yak'!! It's like totally spoilt - which means that we do not have hot water at all! Arghhhh.... it's in the middle of the winter, and there is no hot water! Frag! How are we going to bathe?? And can you imagine doing your dishes with icy cold water?? Anyway, OP and JM went over to Aaron's place to bathe, while I decided to try braving the icy cold water! After all, if those Japanese can swim in the sea in the middle of a winter, I'm sure bathing in cold water should be ok... And so I decided to try it out. And oh boy! It's fragging cold!!! I couldn't put my whole body under the shower head - too fragging cold! So what I did was to bath part by part, e.g. wash my arms first etc... And even so, I can feel the sting of the cold water when it hits my skin. My body is still far from numb, but imagine your body being sting by jellyfish!! LOL... gosh.. I really admire those people that go for winter swim!! Anyway, I had enough experience of it.. and so went over to Aaron's place to just their hotel style bathroom as well..=)So, today I decided to whip up a dish or two. =) I had actually planned to whip up this dish quite sometime back. Bought the green bean and prawns for about a week but was just feeling either too lazy or too sian to do any major cooking. So today being Sunday is a good opportunity to cook it! After all, the green bean will be expired in the next couple of days. So, I had initially wanted to use chopped onion, but I had run out of chopped onions. These days, it's so difficult to find chopped onions in Coles. Anyway, I used garlic instead, and cooked garlic prawns with beans and mushrooms! It's quite yummy, and will definitely repel you if you don't like garlic at all! LOL.. look out vampires! I'm coming to get you! LOL... overall, quite nice.. but the beans still has abit of grass taste.. but, I'm ok with it. =)Beggars can't be choosy!
Please hop over to my blog for an expensive feast :)
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