Kev (abr. Kevin)
Irish, Gaelic orgin. Caoimhin.
1. adorable. 2. gentle one
Walkabout (walk-a-bout)
1 (in Oz) - a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time. 2 (chiefly British) - an informal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor e.g. a monarch. 3 a walking trip.
Been engaging myself actively in planning for my walkabout to Melbourne come this Jan 08 when my Limin came over for holidays. Of cos, I'll take her around Sydney too! I had earlier not wanted to plan it so early, cos I'm using it to divert my attention away from my research work, which is really stressing me out... Anyway, after some initial search, managed to find that the Swanston Grand Mercure Hotel looks pretty good - but is ex!! And I find it rather strange as well, that their weekend rates is much cheaper than weekday rates! This is so strange - I thought they should charge more in weekend?? Weird. Anyway we plan to stay 5 nights and that would cost us a good AUD$1200! Anyone been to Melbourne and have any nice 3.5 - 4 stars accommodation (and cheap?) to recommend?
I was like surfing ard and saw this live expectancy calculator in BrainyBimbo's site. So, I took it, and guess how old am I expected to live till?? According to the webby, I'm expected to live till
years old!! So young!!! I don't want to die so young! In fact, I don't want to die, can?? I'm now like 27.. almost half way through already.. oh man.. have to find a way to prolong my life...

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OMG, you guys can really plan.. I am not sure what will happen next month, what to say to plan for Jan'08!
But... I am happy for you.. :-)
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