Kev (abr. Kevin)
Irish, Gaelic orgin. Caoimhin.
1. adorable. 2. gentle one
Walkabout (walk-a-bout)
1 (in Oz) - a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time. 2 (chiefly British) - an informal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor e.g. a monarch. 3 a walking trip.
Have been caught up in a craze lately… every time I would yearn for it when I come home, unless I’m really full. No, even if I’m full, somehow, I still couldn’t resist it. One moment I’m looking at my screen of my laptop, the next moment I would suddenly awakened to the fact that I am holding it in my hand! LOL… it’s so small that I can easily finish it in one mouthful! What is it? It’s the mini muffins from Coles! I’m someone who doesn’t like muffins… but these muffins are so small and cute… and smell fragrant too! So one day I decided to part with AUD$2.50 and bought a packet of chocolate chips mini muffins (8 minis in a pack) to try, and I’m hooked on it! I wonder how long more before I will get sick of it… LOL…
Cooked one of my favorite dishes today. =) It’s yummy and spicy… and I love it! =)

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hi Kevin,
I just realised that your birthday falls on the same day as my son's!!! oh and I think for a guy, you cook quite a lot :)
The muffin so tiny. I think I can easily finish up 2 pacs..... ;0
@ 4malmal: WOw... we'll have an initiation process to welcome your son into the club1804! LOL. And yeah, i cooked alot. No choice since I'm a poor student =) gotta save up and cook! Though sometimes I have no idea what i wanna cook as well.. =(
@ Janice: 2 packs will be like 16 muffin minis! Are u sure 16 all at one go! I'll get sick of it if I eat 16 all at once! lol
Cool.. now I know who else loves muffins a lot. AUD2.50 for all that? It's dirt cheap. The ones here are big but the taste somewhat different. I think it's in the flour or maybe the fillings are not enough.
i love muffins!!!!!!!!!! haven't tried cole's one yet~~ but i always like muffins!~ XD n doughnuts~ oooh
Wah u also not too bad ah can cook.
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