Hot water at last!
Finally the gas heater is back! Hot water once more in this cold freezing winter is a miracle! LOL.. ok maybe not really a miracle, but u get the idea. The gas heater broke down two days ago, a Saturday. Blasted... a weekend, who the hell works in the weekend in Australia? We (my housemates and I) did try to call the number shown on a sticker on the gas heater that Saturday night, and no one picked up the call. So, we search through the yellow pages, and came across this advert as shown in the left. And it says clearly "24hrs emergency assistance". Great - which is just what we needed! Called it on the saturday night as well, and guess what? no one picks up the call! Argh.... maybe they are busy or what...
Anyway, I tried calling them again on the Sunday. This time round, managed to get through. Told the receiver of our predicament, and guess what he said? "We can't fix it now". I was like dumbfounded at the back of my mind, totally stunned for a few seconds by his reply. I mean, it's a 24 hrs emergency assistance and what the frag you tell me about not be able to come down now?! After gathering my thoughts and 'ahhh-ing' during that couple of seconds, I asked if he is able to come down on Monday. And he dare to tell me, he can't be sure, and will give me a ring if they can make it! My gosh!!! Are there that many people with spoilt gas heater that we have to queue up till Monday morning to wait our turn?? And why the frag did the company put down 24 hrs emergency?? It's grossly mis-advertisement!! Gosh.. these people are idiots!! And we have to endure like 2 days of winter without hot water at all! Doing dishes with cold water, and bathing with freezing water for me is really a hell of an experience! Anyway, if anyone out there who is intending to obtain their services, don't! Go for others hot water company or maintenance company if possible. Avoid such lousy company that don't even know what 24hrs mean! And they have a website as well! I'm not going to post the URL here... I refuse to link back to them to give them free publicity. Frag! And the icing on the situation came when they ask if we are the owners. I was like "no, we're the tenants". And he asked us to get the owner to get in touch with them instead! Argh.... After the call, I was thinking "You look down on us tenants is it? We got no money to pay you meh??!" Argh... Frag!But luckily, this morning (Monday) JM manage to contact the housing agent, Taylor International and got a repairman number from them. And the repairman came in to fix the gas heater and heard from JM that the repairman commented that our gas heater can be sent to the museum for display already! LOL... yah.. our gas heater is damn old liao, and it's been three years since it was last serviced! And what's wrong was that on Saturday evening, the starter fire within the gas heater suddenly went out. With no starter fire, water that is passing through the heater will not get heated and thus will remain as freezing cold water!! We did tried to reignite it but to no avail, and the rest is history. (Left: our not so trusty gas heater. See the black hole? The starter fire in the hole.)
I'm glad the hot water is finally back, and no need to trouble Aaron/Linus by going over to their place to bathe. =) Life is finally back to normal.On another topic, Cat just came back to Sydney yesterday, and she brought this BBQ pork all the way from Singapore! Actually, she brought it to her mentor, Lily lar... but Lily gave us some to try it as well..=) Anyway, was really quite shock to see that nowadays 'bak gua' come in such small packets! LOL.. just like chewing gum.. and simpler to what was shown in the movie 'I Not Stupid'! LOL... I wonder if the company copy the idea from the movie.. lol..