Kev (abr. Kevin)
Irish, Gaelic orgin. Caoimhin.
1. adorable. 2. gentle one
Walkabout (walk-a-bout)
1 (in Oz) - a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time. 2 (chiefly British) - an informal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor e.g. a monarch. 3 a walking trip.

Yup, the title says it all! The Singapore government is giving out 'GST credits' to all Singaporeans above 21 years of age, as a buffer against the upcoming GST hike from 5% to 7% come this July 07. As with all 'kiasu' Singaporeans, I have signed up for it as soon as the clock hits midnight on the 15th May 07! LOL... kiasu right?! So, by signing up, I will get SGP$200+, as well as an addition of SGP$100 for my NS contribution! Best of all, I will get this GST credits every year for the next 2 years! Whoo hoo! For those who have yet to sign up, just go to the
GST credit webby with your NRIC and Singpass and your money will be sitting there in your bank come this July!!
Some people have been complaining about the tax hike etc, which I have no qualms about. To me, as long as it's reasonable, (under 10%) I'm fine with it. The tax down here in Australia is like 10%, so comparing Singapore to Australia, I see no reason to complain. But I think Singaporeans, being Singaporeans will complain that the GST credits that they are receiving are not enough! Haha.. come on, when will money ever be enough!? But I think that it's pretty good, in that at least the government are still giving us money to buffer the inital tax hike! I don't think governments in other countries will be doing these kinda stuffs. I might be wrong in this, so just drop me a tag or comment if you happen to know that other government are doing similar giveaways to their people. So, it looks as though I'm pro-government huh.. haha.. well, comparing ours with others, I think ours is still better then others, and so what more can I complain about?!
My only regret is that, I can't buy stuffs before the July onset of 7% GST! By the time I go back to Singapore for a short break this Dec 07/Jan 08 period, the GST would have been 7%! Argh.. I must try to get my air tix to return to Oz from SIA before July!!!
Trival: The word
'Kiasu' has been added to the Oxford Dictionary!! Now who says singlish can't be a language?!
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