Kev (abr. Kevin)
Irish, Gaelic orgin. Caoimhin.
1. adorable. 2. gentle one
Walkabout (walk-a-bout)
1 (in Oz) - a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time. 2 (chiefly British) - an informal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor e.g. a monarch. 3 a walking trip.
Gosh, I never really fully appreciate online shopping till now. I had wanted to print out my DNA sequencing data this morning, only to realize (dreadfully) that my canon S100SP is totally dried up with the black ink! So I went to the computer shop near the library within
UNSW hoping to make a purchase.

“Wat kinda ink are you looking for?”
“Oh, from canon!”
“We don’t sell canon; we have Epson …..”
Wah, win already!! Canon so unpopular ah?! What the heck, where am I going to find myself the ink?? I can’t print it in my lab, as the printer attached to my lab is a black and white printer. I need to print colours as well black too! Argh… Just out of curiosity, I went online and searched for ‘canon ink cartridge online’ in
Yahoo, Australia. Out came a whole list of sites... clicked on one which leads me to this
ECB inkjet. And wow, gosh I’m shocked! I can do online shopping for ink cartridge now! And for a pretty cheap price too, I must add on! My black ink cartridge cost me only AUD$2.99 while that of colour is at AUD$4.50! Hmm… is it because that it is a generic cartridge, and hence this cheap?? Who cares! I bought 4 black and 2 colours at one go! LOL…. Cos I need to pay postage cum handling fee of AUD$7.20 too, so might as well purchase more in a go. So there, I bought my cartridges without even leaving my chair, and with just a few clicks! LOL... anyway, I will certainly purchase cartridge from them again, as their services is extremely efficient! I purchase it online this afternoon, and they had just emailed me saying that my order is already posted…. Superb!
Hmm… online shopping certainly makes life so much more convenient! LOL...*A light bulb just lighted up my thoughts* Next time when my beloved ask me to go shopping with her, I will just tell her to shop online from home! Then I can slack at home. Shopping is such a chore and tiring! I rather work. LOL… Opps!
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Nothing can beat the experience of real shopping lol
Especially for clothes and foods.
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