The title says it all! I was fragging hungry by the time I reached home today. Went to school quite early today, at about 8.45am without taking any breakfast. I saved up a bowl of green bean soup, meant to be my breakfast, but I woke up like 8.30am and am supposed to reach school at 9am. Thereafter, I was busy with my work, learning how to prepare media for my archaea, doing my PCR, run gel, and ligation reaction etc, ended at ard 6pm. Well, not that I do not have time in between, I did have like 30 mintues break. But then, it's a waste to eat in school, cos the cost of a meal here in oz is like $7-8 for a meal... or so I heard! Yup, hasn't been eating in school since I got here.. gotta save up! A piece of bread or two will be my breakfast+lunch everytime I need to go to school early.. till dinner time! Gotta save up! Suprisingly, I still hasn't become thin. =( I was hoping my weight will drop to 60kg! The last time I weight.. it's still 65-66kg. hahaha..
Anyway, after going to coles to do my groceries shopping, I went over to buy KFC for my dinner. Yup, it's been a month plus since my last KFC. Well, I wasn't going to buy it anytime soon, till I gotten KFC discount coupons in my letterbox.. Yeah! So, I go ahead and buy myself a 3 piece meal at AUD$7.45, which includes drinks, whipped potato, bun, fries, and of course 3 pieces of chicken (original flavoured)! Without the coupon, you will only get 2 instead of 3 pieces of chicken for the approxiately same price. Yup, pretty delicious, and worth it. Not hungry anymore!

The past couple of days didn't go very well, especially yesterday (Monday). Got my sequencing data of my PCR product, and the sequenced are basically in a mess for a couple of them. It is most likely that the PCR products are heterogenous even though I have gel purified them.. Argh.. all my work wasted! Thought I could just PCR from the genomic DNA, purify and sequence it and do gel shift assay from there. But I was too naive.. So now gotta spent another 1-2 weeks PCRing out my DNA again, ligate it into a vector, clone it, sequence verify, exicse out the insert, PCR and sequence it again. Argh.. if only I had gone through the long way in the first, wouldn't have wasted so much time! I should have known! What was I even thinking!! What an idiot I am. Sometimes I just feel like quitting my PhD, go back to Singapore and get a routine job in a lab, and just be contented. No stress, just follow protocol, and do my best. Get to have salaries to take home, save enough to get marry, travelling etc., and enjoy life as it is.. Doing research is stressful, especially when things don't work out. 100% effort is never enough. Even if you put in 200%, there will always be room for you to put in more effort... haiz..
On a lighter note, I tried cooking green bean soup for the first time in my life! =D Well, it turn out pretty ok i think, but I still think that I put in too many beans and sago. I put in the whole bag of beans, all ~300g of beans. haha.. As for the sago, I must have put in too much, cos after putting in the sago, the whole soup becomes very thick. Never know that sago has this kinda effect! Hahaha.. overall, i guess i would have given myself a pass as a first timer.. hopefully, will do better the next time round!

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