Birthday post on my dear
*Burpppp…* I am extremely bloated from my dinner… Full of water in my tummy… Why? Maybe I’ll post on that later. But right now let me do my Happy Belated Birthday entry for my dear!!! My dear’s birthday falls on the 16th of August, which happens to be the same as my mum! OMG, I think it’s fated that the two women in my life have the same birthday! Probably when we’re married, my dear will nagged at me like my mum will! LOL… Imagine both my mum and her future daughter-in-law celebrating their birthday together! And I wonder if my son or daughter will have the same birthday as me… LOL… Imagine if my daughter is born on the 16th August as well!So, it’s my dear darling’s birthday. I had previously bought Limin a gift – a creative mp3 player worth of ~SGD$100+ for her during May, and told her to treat that as her birthday present of this year. Back then, I knew that she wanted the mp3 player, but was contemplating weather to buy it or not, as after all $100+ is a lot of money! So, I ended up buying it for her. So there she is, as her birthday is looming nearer and nearer, wondering away if she will still get anything for her birthday. I didn’t say anything at all, giving her the impression that her birthday present for me is the mp3 player that I bought for her in May this year. But of course, I did actually buy something for her birthday, just that I kept my lips sealed. So, I was surfing around the web looking out for online florists that cater to delivery within Singapore, and I came across I was totally blown away by the varieties of flowers and products that they have – much better than the previous online florist ( that I used to order from some years back.
So, ended up looking through their catalogue and narrowed my sight onto two particular products. Both (as shown) look pretty cute and nice to me. I really had a hard time choosing between them. I mean, the first one shows the bear carrying a bouquet of flowers – kinda cute. The bear will represent me, carrying the flowers and giving it to my dear. But I don’t really like the container/jug that the flowers are in… looks kinda cheapskate in my eyes. The second one with both the bear and flowers inside the basket looks cute with the roses standing out among the small little flowers. It’s as though the bear popped out from the basket and present the flowers to my dear! Anyway, kinda ask Cat’s opinion on which is better as well and she agreed to my choice of the latter one! Yup… so now… off to make my online purchase! And since my dear will sometimes get hungry in the night, and always complain that there isn’t any food in her place, I added in some chocolates as well! =)
And so, when she reached her home yesterday, she told me that her mum was kinda preventing her from going into her room! LOL… course the surprise is in her room! Well, eventually she saw it, but too bad that I can’t see her facial expression when she sees the surprise. But, she seems to like it a lot, the flowers, the bear and the chocolate. And yup, during our 4+years of our relationship, I had bought a lot of soft toys for her – bears, lions, pigs, dogs – and we sorta name each and every one of them! LOL… Childish right? I asked her to send me a picture of the final delivered product – and it doesn’t really look much like the one that I had ordered! In fact, the delivered product is a hybrid of the two choices which I had a hard time deciding on – best of both worlds huh?! In fact, according to the product catalogue, there is only supposed to be 18 roses, but ended up delivering 24 roses instead. Perhaps they didn’t have the yogurt chocolate that I ordered, and replace it with a normal hazelnut chocolate instead, and made up with additional flowers instead? LOL… either way, I am not complaining! =)
Anyway, Happy birthday my dear!!! Sorry that I’m not with you for your birthday, but don’t worry. When I’m back in Singapore, we will buy an ice cream cake and celebrate our birthday together ok!? I love you, and wish you good luck in your studies and experiments! =)
OMG... you are drop dead thoughtful manz.. and romantic too.. haha.. :-)
I was wondering what you've got for her bday and there you wrote a post abt it.. :-)
LOL Colleen... romantic? LOL.. I seriously don't think I'm romantic. Thoughtful maybe a lil bit.. but romantic? LOL...
Your GF so lucky to have you.So romantic can send flowers and bear and chocolates all the way from Oz.
Happy Birthday to Limin!!!
That's so sweet of you. :)
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