Kev (abr. Kevin)
Irish, Gaelic orgin. Caoimhin.
1. adorable. 2. gentle one
Walkabout (walk-a-bout)
1 (in Oz) - a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time. 2 (chiefly British) - an informal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor e.g. a monarch. 3 a walking trip.
Yeah! Finally the shirt I ordered online has arrived today! I had previously order a shirt online last Wed (26 sep 07) from Jorge Cham's PhDcomics webby - a charcoal-coloured shirt that wasn't my first choice. But since the first choice that I wanted has already sold out, and that I find this current shirt that I bought is not that bad either, I decided to purchase this. Costed me US$17.50, and including the US$8.65 USPS first class international shipping fees, that amounts to a total of US$26.15! Wow... An expensive shirt huh! I guess partly it's because that the shirt is made of pure cotton as well. Anyway, since I use the money I earned from Payperpost to pay for this shirt, my heart isn't aching at all! =) Am going to wear that to school tomorrow!
Anyway, while I was home over the past weekend and public holiday Monday, there was this bird that likes to frequent my window ledge. As my desk/room is behind a curtain, the bird didn't see that I was actually watching it! Else I think it would have flew away. But, the bird was kinda noisy sometimes... happily chipping away... argh... maybe I should record down its voice, and play it back to the bird and see its response! Hahaha...
Well, here's a picture of the bird, and a picture of my desk (nothing better to do, so take a pic of my desk! Hahaha)
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That's a cool tee!!
nice tshirt,wat made u select da tshirt?u can find plenty in da market though...da design?love at 1st sight?
Thx Bobo!
Hey Junjun.. oh.. there are only a few of the t-shirts available in that PhD Comics webby. Oh, did I mention the character on the shirt is from the PhD comics? So, the one that I like best was sold out.. so I go for this instead.. not too bad right.
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