Kev (abr. Kevin)
Irish, Gaelic orgin. Caoimhin.
1. adorable. 2. gentle one
Walkabout (walk-a-bout)
1 (in Oz) - a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time. 2 (chiefly British) - an informal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor e.g. a monarch. 3 a walking trip.
Happened to come across this webby while blog surfing etc... and hmmm... it is actually based on the Ultimate Wealth Package program that I had came across several times... hmmm... am quite tempted to try it out since I only need to pay $50, and I can do it using the money I earned from PPP. After all, those money from PPP are actually 'extra' money since even if I lost it to the scam it should be quite alright? Hmmm... has anyone actually try it before?
Maybe I'll try it and blog about it to tell people if this is really true! But $50 might be too much also... hmm... anyone wanna take the plunge and share with me to invest in this? We'll split the profits if it is really what it claim to be, else at least wouldn't lost too much money!!
My dear went to help to research on this Ultimate Wealth Program thingy... and apparent it aren't as good as what it claim. People have bought the program, only to find out that they need to folk out more money to invest in Google adwords. Check out this webby for more info Hope this helps to deter people from falling prey to this scam! Thanks dear!

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oh i was going to say... I really dun believe much on what is on the internet. Haha... except blogger frens :P Leap of faith!!!
Kev, u r tagged.
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