Kev (abr. Kevin)
Irish, Gaelic orgin. Caoimhin.
1. adorable. 2. gentle one
Walkabout (walk-a-bout)
1 (in Oz) - a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time. 2 (chiefly British) - an informal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor e.g. a monarch. 3 a walking trip.
And I thought that baby octopus are suppose to be small, babies! LOL... gosh was I wrong! I had always seen Coles selling frozen baby octopus, but never buy it at all. After all, I would prefer to have a pack of seafood mix then a pack of pure octopus. But, I have no idea what came over me last Sunday, and bought a 1kg pack of frozen octopus - and it cost me AUD$7.99. Well, since it said baby octopus, I really thought it would be small. You can guess how shock I am when I actually open up the pack and see that the 'baby' version is as long as my fingers, and some even more! If these are the babies, the adults must be damn big!
And I had Sara Lee Strawberry cheesecake as well... very superbly nice. Sara Lee hasn't disappointed me so far with their cheesecake products. But I wouldn't know for their pound cakes... might try it someday!
Sometimes it's damn boring and very troublesome to cook a meal. I mean, it's just a meal and I'm the only one eating it. Why go through the trouble of cutting this, frying that to have just a simple meal! Argh... so noodles are my best friend when I'm feeling lazy or too down to cook. Just dump whatever you have into the boiling pot of water, let it boil and that's it! Top it up with some can food, and that's it - a simple meal. Arrange it nicely, and it looks far more appetizing than it really is... LOL...

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Haha... that's my cooking... dumping everything in a boiling pan...
Imagine we can mix a complicated product for our science project.... Sometimes the colour of our lab product looks more appetizing than our cooking product. Wakakaka....
Sara Lee Cheesecake sooooooo long I havent tried that. But you are thin, so you can eat whatever you want. Give me your genes!!!
O.O~~ cheesecake.. *slurp~~~
i juz like da baby octopus..yummy yummy..c those in Sushi restaurants!!nice cakes too.btw, u r tagged!hehe! octopus..i feel geli when i saw them..=_=
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