Walkabout to Centennial Park..
Went to do my walkabout from my place to Centennial Park this afternoon... Took quite a bit of photos, but too bad, not possible to put all them into the blog, else the blog will take too long to load..
So, as usual, the blue route is the route that I took today.. think about 8km in total.. From my place, go into centennial park thru randwick gate, pass thru the ponds, and out thru paddington gate, and into wallaharu gate..and back to randwick gate, and back to home!

Along Alison Rd, on the way to Centennial Park...

Went pass the Randwick Racecourse..

Randwick Gate enterance of the Centennial Park

Learning to horse-ride within the park

Swans along the road.. looking for bread crumps..

Randwick pond

Fighting for the bread crump that I threw into the Randwick Pond

Duck Pond

Lily Pond

Me with the ducks at the Busbys Pond

Strange tree... with light orange flowers hanging down..

Oh.. what a strange species of duck? With red faces!

The good old pelican...

People playing crickets at the field

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