First of all, food stuffs aren't allowed to be carried into Oz, at least not for the raw meat or eggs products etc. Nonetheless, I decided to bring along a few packets of instant noodles, as well as ginseng powders into Oz, with the intention of declaring my food items and see what the custom has to said with regards to this. And so, there I was, innocently thinking that since I'm gonna declare it, they ought to check all my luggage. It's only logical isn't it? If someone tell me that they had brought along some foodstuffs, i would have asked that person to open up all the luggage for me to check! No second tots needed.
Well, apparently, one of my relatives thought that I should have consolidated all the foodstuffs in a single bag for easy checking, and say something along the line that I'm so big already and still don't know that I need to consolidate my stuffs.. Come on lar, it's not as though I travel to Oz that often to know how their customs works!! If I'm the custom officer, even if u consolidate the foodstuffs to make it easier for me to check, I'll still ask u to open up the check-in luggage as the luggage might still have other restricted stuffs which you might purposefully forgot to declare!!!
Furthermore, my relative said that I could have sequeeze more stuffs into my checked in luggage, rather than to put them in my hand-carried ones. Oh man, my checked in luggage is already heavy enough! No, it's not in the context of weather I would need to pay baggage overweight charges, but rather, it's damn heavy to carry it on my own up the stairs etc!!! Anyway, the idea that I'm unable to squeeze more stuffs in got the better of them, and ended up, opening up my luggage at the airport and dumping more stuffs into my checked in luggage. Ended up with 28kg of baggage.
Anyway, the plane flew 6298km from Singapore, and landed in Sydney international airport at ard 11.15am local time. Had a long long queue in the custom, but the queue was moving rather quick, so no complains about that. Quckily got my luggage from belt numbered 1, and move on to the 'Goods to declare' queue.. told them that I have my medicine, laptop, and instant noodles to declare.. asked me if I have anything else to declare within my haversack or checked in luggage, which I say no... and they say ok.. I can proceed on... didn't even bother to scan my lugguage. Well, what can I say? next time, if I'm bringing a bomb, I just need to put it in my check in luggage, and bring along some food stuffs as a smoke screen will do ya...??
anyway, some pics b4 I continue...

Bubbles and me, just b4 I flew off to Sydney...

Beef sandwich.. very tasty.. supper/refreshment provided by SQ..
Breakfast provided by SQ... Braised vermicelli with seafood, leafy greens
and mushrooms + yoghurt, fruits, breads etc...
Me in the toilet..
After clearing the customs, I went straight to the Airport reception.. lol.. the airport reception is really pitiful... there's just a current student maning it, and basically, I think his job is only to direct me as to how to go to my place of accomodation. LOL.. Wanted to take the Airport shuttle service, but apparently the driver says its out of the way for him to go Randwick.. so no choice lor.. gotta take a cab.... luckily the cab cost me like $25, so its still not that expensive..
After reaching my destination, I had a hard time carrying the luggage up the stairs man... imagine carrying a harversack, and a laptop bag, and yet you still need to carry the 28Kg luggage up the stairs.. argh.. was like doing weight-lifting like that.. lol
After reaching the home, well.. find that the kitchen is abit small, and overall in general abit old. But hey, it's ok.. as long as there's a roof over my head, no complains lor... So spent sometime unpacking, and setting up my room for the rest of the day.. went to bank... walk ard neighbourhood and school....
Sydney international airport

B4 setting up my room...
After setting up..
Another view of my set up room....

On my way to UNSW...


Within UNSW....
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