Had a long long day today... am quite tried ... feel like zzzzz already..
Went back to my work place (MDC) today, to give a presentation to the MDC staffs, on the project that I had done. This presentation was a pretty last minute thingy, as requested by my boss.. no choice lor, had to do it.. Spent one whole morning and afternoon, as well as some time here and there before that, to finish up the whole thing.. Was asked some questions during the presentation, but argh.. my mind was like... blank! oh man.. haha.. LOL.. basically was just trying to smoke my way through.. but luckily KK was there to help as well.. so not so bad lar.
Anyway, after that, went to have lunch with some of the MDC staffs, and finally, some picture sessions before I officially say "see you next year!" to them all...

Oh My God! Did you see my tummy! Oh man.. I'm damn fat! LOL... haiz.. fat already... what to do.. always eat and eat, and never excerise at all... and everytime when my beloved Limin cannot finish her food, she will dump them over to me! Argh,... excuses excuses excuses I heard.. LOL.. what to do? I'm a lazy bum bum...
Anyway, after that, I went back home, only to find theat I had left my home keys in Limin's place! Argh.. waited a stupid hour for my mum to come home from work to open the door.. So I sat at the staircase, wondering if anyway will called the police (thinking I'm gog to rob their house) after they saw me.. LOL.. luckily no police came..
Well.. met up with KK and gang (my poly frens) later in the evening.. went for the Crystal jade resturant in Taka.. had a hard time finding it.. Anyway... TJ and Limin was super duper late lar.. and it's all becoz of TJ's fault lar.. what to do? End up waiting for them to come over from NUS till 8 plus to nine pm (from 7 plus) then we start our dinner.. Argh.. sometimes just wish to 'box' TJ up.. LOL..
Must give thanks to KK, Angela, Wilson, and TJ for their treat as well lar! They are really generous to treat me to dinner, which cost them like $250+ in total! Thanks pals! I'm greatly touch by your generousity, and frenship. Opps.. just popped my mind that, my beloved Limin had a free dinner as well!!! Eh.. better not say anymore, else she will come and 'box' me for 'exposing' her! haha.. kidding lar.. even if she wants to pay, I will still pay on her behalf..
Anyway, just a quick pic at starbucks near hereen, before we make our way home..
Yup... (from left) That's Angela, Wilson, me and my beloved... and KK was taking the pic for us.. well.. thank you once again.. and see you next year!!!!
Gotta go sleep now.. long day ahead tomorrow.. zzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
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