Kev (abr. Kevin)
Irish, Gaelic orgin. Caoimhin.
1. adorable. 2. gentle one
Walkabout (walk-a-bout)
1 (in Oz) - a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time. 2 (chiefly British) - an informal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor e.g. a monarch. 3 a walking trip.
Haiz.. had a diarrhea and slightly feverish yesterday... but luckily, my fever is gone now. Tummy still feel week, but hopefully will be ok soon...
Anyway, was scheduled to train Bubbles today, but the trainer says he can't make it at the last minute again. Oh.. Bubbles is a dog, under the ownership of my beloved Limin.. But unoffically, I'm also one of the owner too! LOL... cos the dog listens to me much more than her.. haha.. Wonder if the dog knows her 'unofficial' owner is gog over to Oz soon??..
That's Bubbles:

Bubbles is much much cuter and chubbier when she's small.. Oh, she was born sometime in Sept 05, and we adopted her from the SPCA when she's like 2 -3 weeks old.. She's a stubborn dog, and hyper active dog!.... always like to bite things, and like to fight with ppl.. haha.. but she's also a coward lar... All bark but when the stranger came close, or even another dog came close to her, she will run away! What a dog...
Wonder if she will still remember me when I come back from Oz next year for CNY...
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