Kev (abr. Kevin)
Irish, Gaelic orgin. Caoimhin.
1. adorable. 2. gentle one
Walkabout (walk-a-bout)
1 (in Oz) - a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time. 2 (chiefly British) - an informal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor e.g. a monarch. 3 a walking trip.
It sure is a rainy Easter weekend.. it has been raining on and off since yesterday, and really sucks the life outta ppl, at least for me! LOL.. don't feel like doing anything, just slacking away at home, watching shows, playing online chess etc.. at this rate, think I'm gonna be fat after the weekend! haha.. doing nothing, but sit in front of my labtop and have dinner when it's dinner time. Haha..
Anyway, I went over to the Sydney Fish Market with Jim yesterday. Well, probably its a wrong choice of time to go over on a Good Friday, cos it's loaded with people! Argh.. had a hard time finding seats for a meal.. and so many people! We walked all the way from circular quay, across the pyrmont bridge, and further down to the Fish market.. it's a case of the blind leading the blind, as Jim has never been to the Fish market before. I, though have been to the Fish market like 7-8 yrs ago, can't remember how to get there! haha.. So I just rely on my memory of a satellite map of the Fish market which I downloaded the day before, and navigate our way through! Anyway, enough talk, and here are the pictures
Waited at the St. James station for Jim. Since he's late, wonder to the Hyde park which is just behind St James. Saw these guys playing this hug chess! Cool.

Walkway leading from St James to the Hyde Park (north side)

No idea what this building is, but the architecture looks like victorian times.

Who can resist the call of ice cream?? yum!

Autumn is definitely in the air.. leaves are turning yellow!

Past by this Martin place, and saw these performers there.. wonder what they are up to. Trying to ask ppl to go in and shop? Oh, Martin place is a hotel retail.

Architecture of Martin Place

Along the Pyrmont bridge

Yup, that's me, with the Sydney aquarium at the backdrop

Battleship and submarine docked at the darling harbour.. obviously it's just for a show. Ppl can actually go into the ship and submarine.. but that will be another day for me..

Finally, Sydney Fish Market

Seafood Cafe and Oyster Bar. The cafe where we had our luncheons, where I lost my hp pouch.. sob sob.

Seafood platter for 2, at AUD$25! Ex, but I love the oyster and scallop with melted cheese on them! The fish is fresh too, and the squids are soft.

In the fish market.. loads of people..

What a big fish for sale! And I saw big crabs etc as well! Should have come on weekdays, where it ain't so much people! Then can see more stuffs!

Some of the seafood stalls.. Wanted to try their sashimi.. it look really fresh, but its ex.. so ended up didn't getting any. Well, next time perhaps.

That's me again, outside the fish market. It's drizzling when this picture was taken.
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