A sad couple of weeks - Part 2
Well, this post should be backdated to 29th Nov 07, a Thursday where it all happened. This was the last gathering of the gang before Emily leaves for M'sia over the weekend. There was a lab meeting on the same day as well, from 1pm to 2pm, and subsequently I had some lab stuffs to settle before I can meet up with the rest. And so Cat, CY, and TY, went over to the city first - to Market City to be exact to do some last minute shopping of their own. After all, they will be going back to Singapore a day after Emily depart - a season of departure, November is. How can one not be sad or emotional when you see all your friends going off one after the other?
Anyway, rushed down to Victoria Galleria from uni, only to have to wait for the rest of them as they were still busy doing their shopping! Went over to Kinokuniya (and yes, for those who hasn't been to Sydney - Kinokuniya do exist in Sydney)to browse through their selection of books. However, that was after I went round the building looking for Emily, as I heard that she had reached some time before me. Still, didn't able to find her. So, Kinokuniya in Sydney - hmm... I definitely prefer the kino in Singapore. Not that the kino in Sydney is any bad, but I find that the variety of books etc in Singapore are more than that in Sydney. Then again, maybe it was just me - the locals might find that they like the kino just as it is.
So, after waiting for like half an hour, they finally arrived and off we proceeded to Wagamama on the first floor in the galleria. Ordered myself a Chilli Beef Ramen, which is pretty delicious, except for the portion. I can certainly eat two bowls of it! LOL... but then again, after drink the pork and chicken base soup, my tummy was starting to be filled. Overall, Wagamama is definitely a great place for meals - good atmosphere, zen-like interior, jap-western fusion kinda restaurant. However, it is slightly on the ex side, but I guess the yummy-ness of the food kinda make up for it!After our dinnch (dinner + lunch), we make our way to Big Echo for our KTV session, after much deliberation! LOL...Initial plan was to go KTV, but suddenly Emily asked if we had still wanna go as it was already over 5pm after our meals. Somehow this question kinda knock everyone off, and started to wonder if we should proceed as planned! Oh well, finally after much discussions (though we always went off track), we reached the KTV and this was to be our final KTV session as a gang before everyone flys off over the weekend. The situation was rather emo at some stage, as we realised that this was the last time we got together, especially with Emily around. Anyway, Emily had to leave early for home to do packing - not to our delight but not much of a choice either. And so thereafter, we sang (or rather they do most of the singing) till around 9.45pm before we were chased out of the room! lol...
Subsequently we headed towards Woolloomoolo for the Harry's Cafe de Wheels. Finally managed to try the world famous tiger pie!! Indeed, two thumbs up for the pie!! I would gladly lift up my toes too if I can do that! lol... It is really really heaven-lious! And so, we sat by the cafe de wheels and eat our pies and started to chit chat quite a while, about Malcolm's character, life, science, and religion etc etc... Quite an enjoyable night I must say. Still, everything had to come to an end, and we headed back to Hyde Park at around 1am in the morning, and reluctantly proceeded home.
Oh.. do check out the related set of photos in my flickr!
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