Kev (abr. Kevin)
Irish, Gaelic orgin. Caoimhin.
1. adorable. 2. gentle one
Walkabout (walk-a-bout)
1 (in Oz) - a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time. 2 (chiefly British) - an informal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor e.g. a monarch. 3 a walking trip.

I'm posting some of the pictures of my sydney city walk down here.. however, this is only the tip of the ice berg, as it doesn't make much sence to put ~100 pic down here.. so if u like to see all the pic, just drop me ur email, and I will send u the link to my yahoo photo album!
In the bus going to the four seasons hotel to look for my uncle.. he came over to sydney for some conference, so m gog to tour ard the city later on when he's free....

Some babes at the hotel swimming pool as taken from the hotel room

Yup! it's the F1 racing car again!!! this time round, saw it ard the circular quay area...

Me with the Sydney harbour bridge at the background.

I'm sure u can guess what this is.. haha

Me inside the Queen Victoria Building

Looking at the Sydney Aquarium

OMG! what a big fish!!! haha.. imagine eating it!

'Can u spot me??' said Mr. fish..

The beautiful coral

Cute little cuttlefish..

Jellyfish! very beautiful!!!

The seals....

eh.... this fish is call something pineapple fish! haha... really look alot like a pineapple.

Fishes of the coral reefs


The cute little puffer fish...

Jaws!... ....


Me with the sharks!

Night view of the Pyrmont Bridge, from outside the Sydney Aquarium.

Well, our dinner in a chinese resturant near the street Martin place.

The Opera house at night, as taken from the Four Seasons hotel.
Some of the L'Occitane products that the Four Seasons provide to their hotel guest FOC! L'Occitane is an expensive french brand! Damn rich hotel.. but then, they charge ppl 300 - 500 + for a normal room!
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I've been to the aquarium in gold coast years ago.. nice!
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