Was watching the first two episodes of the jap show "1 litre of tears" just now, and it's a nice show I must say. A little bit slow, but I'm alright with it. It's based on a true story, talking this young jap girl (only 15 years of age), having an uncurable disease, spinocerebellar ataxia and how her young life changes with it. Seriously, this kinda show is dime a dozen, in all different language, analogus to the Singapore production of "孩有明天". Only differences is that the jap show is longer, and towards the end of each episode, they show the past pictures of the real girl and family. Yup, I said past, as I think she will died in the end, as there's no cure at all.
Anyway, even though I critised it like it's no big deal, but I must admit that I really like the show. It shows the struggle that the gal's family is gog through etc, at least most of which are very real. You get to sympatise with them, and at the same time, hoping that such unfortuate events does not befalls upon you or someone you love. At the same time, it makes u think how vurnerable we humans are. Imagine it's your child, and is only 15 years old! If i am the child, will I fight for my life, or just relent myself to fate, knowing that there is no cure?? I do not know. Live life bedridden? or take sleeping pills while i still can? I do not know. And hopefully, I do not need to make such a decision.
Let me pose this question to my readers (as if I have alot! LOL) to let you ponder about it. You might have a different perspective of life after thinking through it!
--Will there be someone crying for you when you leave this world?--
Anyway, I have attached the herein, so take alot at it. It's a show worth watching...
Ok... on a lighter note, Argh... I'm still cracking my head on my experimental design!!! Well, I'm gonna touch on nucleic acid-binding proteins for my PhD... it's quite an interesting area I think, as there isn't much work done on this area for my organism. Normally, nucleic acid-protein binding sites are sites of control and regulation. Meaning that, these are the areas which controls the gene expression, telling it to be expressed or not! Therefore, by finding out all these controls, it will be analogous to finding out all the switches in a house, and how the switches are turned on or off, and what makes it turned on etc.. cool huh..
Anyway, m having trouble finding a method to end label my RNA.. e.g. RNA with fluorescein labeled at one end??? Anyway have any suggestions!??!
Oh well, chances are someone actually knowing the solution to that is very small... back to cracking my head...
Anyway, was damn lazy today to cook and wash the saucepan.. LOL.. so, just prepared 水蒸蛋 lor.. in it put mushrooms, chicken, chinese dried sausage, pepper, small shrimps, cooking wine..and steam it! after that, put sesame oil... yum yum.. hahaha... yeah.. just steam it, no need to wash saucepan.. lazy way of doing things... =)