5 years and going...
Somebody once said to me, that I should get a diamond ring with a small diamond (as small as possible) for my proposal to my girl. And I asked why? And the answer is simply that, as the years go by I can only 'upgrade' that diamond and not downgrade it. Oh well, of course I can downgrade it, but then my girl will then complain against it! Therefore, start out small, and slowly upgrade it, or start out big, and say goodbyes to all your savings sooner than later!
Tomorrow marks the end fifth year, and going into the 6th year of a relationship as a couple for Limin and I. As I'm not by her side most of the time, getting her a present to commemorate this day is really a headache at times. Last anniversary I made a video for her, and she was like crying and crying while watching it...and after watching it as well... LOL... and so what can I get her this year? It has to be something better than last year isn't it? And this is when I truly realise the story of the diamond ring. I can't 'downgrade' my present! And seriously, when it comes to giving presents, I'm totally clueless. Just a good meal will prolly do, if you ask me. But then, that will be too 'cheapo' and 'no heart' isn't it?
And there I was, wondering away as this day gets nearer and nearer, what can I can for Limin, from Australia? or Singapore? or anywhere around the world? And then, I realised that the answer is staring right at me, in facebook! Well, it is actually an advert in facebook. The moment I saw it, I knew there and then that it is the perfect gift for her on this special day.A book! Not just any book, but one that I am the author of, and has sole copyright of! A book that I actively take part in selection and arrangement of the photographs to be printed on the book, as well as coming out with the written content of the book. In addition, I had to design the cover of the book and layout etc as well. Basically, it's very a book that is designed and authored by me. After which, I just need to sent the whole e-book to the publisher, and the publisher will print and sent it to Singapore for me! And mind you, it's not those poor quality book with brownish soft paper within ok! It is akin to those picture or travel books that you see the library or bookshops! So, for just around $100 Singapore dollars, it's pretty much worth it. Actually, it's the delivery that is costly - about 2-3 times as much as the book itself! Oh well... it's worth it.
And so, I submitted my e-book for ordering on the 6th of March, and waited eagerly for it to be printed and shipped. After checking back at the website every day, refreshing it here and then, they finally shipped it on the 11th March! And so, I was really getting excited by the hour - especially when I chose to use UPS which means that I'm able to track my package from origin to its destination. And so basically, refreshing the UPS tracking website was my favourite activity then! LOL...
And my package basically went from the Eindhoven in Netherlands, to Cologne in Germany, before it finally arrive in Singapore yesterday morning... and was finally delivered yesterday late afternoon...Limin was like "OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! .... (five minutes later) OMG!.... (ten minutes later) OMG!" when she finally unwrapped the present and saw that it's a book specially made for her! LOL... And as usual, she cried...LOL... well, I'm just glad that she really like the present that I got her. And now, I'm going to be in deep trouble... I can't downgrade for the next year... I have to get something even better than this year's present for next year! OMG, what am I going to do!!! Helppp!!!
So sweet!
wow you are just so sweet with your gf/fiancee....next year present next year only think lah....you still have to worry about bday/christmas/valentines first...:D
such a thoughtful bf you are!! my hubby isn't 10% of you, believe me. but i shouldn't complain lar, right? at least he takes care of the family :P only not romantic, hehe.
You are such a sweet guy to your girlfriend or should I say fiance'! No worry, even if you cannot come up with anything she'll love you as you are!
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