Kev (abr. Kevin)
Irish, Gaelic orgin. Caoimhin.
1. adorable. 2. gentle one
Walkabout (walk-a-bout)
1 (in Oz) - a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time. 2 (chiefly British) - an informal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor e.g. a monarch. 3 a walking trip.
As the title goes, m feeling kinda emo right now, or rather the past couple of hours. I think part of the reason was that I had a pretty enjoyable time yesterday over at a friend's place to have steamboat celebration to round off her honors year. It's like those feeling that I always get after a chalet. In the chalet, friends get to chit chat, enjoy each other's company. And when everything ends, which they eventually will, suddenly everything seems so blue, so grey, so alone...
And another reason why I'm feeling that is probably the fact that I'm going to see lotsa people/frens/clicks around me leaving one by one. That's the downside of a 3-4 years PhD I guess. The honors student, or rather should be classified as ex-honors student now, starts her honors pretty much the same period as I started my PhD. And now, she has completed her honors and leaving the lab real soon. And there I am, and will be, seeing batches and batches of students coming and leaving... argh... Facts of life...
Coupled with the fact that I'm now listening to FM93.3 in the middle of the night, listening to all those emo songs, making me even more emo...

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I guess I can understand your feeling of ppl leaving you one by one. Eventually you will get adapt to it and make new friends. Well, enjoy the moments that they are around now :D
but noting beats leaving high skool rite?high skool more emo den dis wei~!
That's the life that we have to face everyday... There will be people come and go in our life..
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